i find her, and i know what she think ^^

Friday, May 28, 2010 - Posted by NusrahYusuf at 12:39 AM

phewww, im at home rite now, cuti weekend je and saje2 nk menyemak kat umah ni. haha.
now, keadaan x seriuh cam before2 ni and yg da lepas tu lantak ar malas nk kecoh2 walaupon ak ni sekecoh boogieboogie. lol, pe ak ckp ni?haha.abaikan! teettt!

ok, i want to story something and it was make me sadly maybe and sometimes make me happy ! 1 rahsia yg ak pendamkan pd sume org before2 ni and rahsia tu xkan ade sape2 pon tau and kemungkinan juga rahsia tu akan diketahui sume org lepas nie. urghh. yes, ak merungut, tp itu adalah kenyataan dan ak trima seadanya dan ak xnak digelar seorang yg tidak munasabah ! hahahaa [ gelak besar ] .

Disini, ak xciter spenuhnya, dan hanya satu kiasan saje. yes, i find her !! and she is my s*st*r !! but, i just find her in facebook. huhu. dr segi perwatakannye, i know what she think and i know what she feel rite now. she need a true family and true siblings ! i hope i can take her back but the situation here its hard to me to take her. i know before this i dont want to think about her,but im always listening about her in my family . xdpt dibayangkan sekiranye die bkn brada di situasi di sana,semestinye hidup die brasa happy and fun with kluarga sebenar2 die.i dont know and anytime im asking with myself, knp mereka nak mengambil n jaga die?
in facebook, we didnt talk like a siblings but talk secara seorang yg merahsiakan keadaan sbenar.janggal, malu,sedey, tekanan and everything. she looks like a stress girl, and also looks like cam seorang yg malu dgn diri sendiri. but i understand, and i always remember's and miss her damn much! bertahun2nye berpisah, but for me, she always dekat di hati. we still together 5 and not 4. we are a backstreetgirls sister !! haha. just kidding,sorry. ;D

a true siblings, and they are :
  • norman
  • normin
  • nori
  • norah
  • normey

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